Monday, December 27, 2010

The Awkward Stage

I think I am in that awkward stage of my weight loss.  I go in my closet daily and find that things are too big. Although I am very happy about the weight loss it is a little frustrating when your favorite pants don’t fit anymore. Sometimes taking them to the tailor is just as expensive as replacing them. I am this place where I am very proud of my weight loss but I also know that I have a lot of work ahead of me.  Sometimes it seems premature to celebrate as I travel on this journey. But I know that every small reward is a sign of all the hard work and dedication I have put into myself.  I realize that I am a work in progress and it is a good feeling.  I like knowing that I am changing daily and the unpredictability of what the end of this journey will look like.  
The holiday season was not even a challenge this year.  I made some choices that put me in the position to remain successful and that let s me know that I am in control of this journey. I went to a Christmas party and never approached the food table. I was not hungry and I wasn’t tempted to ruin my progress with mindless grazing. I have enjoyed a few desserts but they were added in to my daily plan. I am finally getting the hand of eating to live instead of living to eat. I still have some work to do but I am glad that I can admit that!!!
Where are you in your journey, any revelations?

1 comment:

Ladie Q said...

I am proud of you and inspired as well. It becomes compelling for me to find healthy snacks and alternatives. I find that i don't keep eating after i'm full.. No more cleaning the plate, even if it's a favorite pasta dish.