Monday, November 16, 2020

                      A Girlfriend retreat you won’t want to miss!

1. Fully catered all inclusive (does not include items you purchase from vendors)

2. 5 wonderful workshops

3. You get Swag

4. A small amount of Vendors will be available at the beginning of the slumber party so bring your cute jammies
5. This event with take place in the Nashville surrounding area. For the safety of attendees the address will be provided to them and security will be onsite Friday and Saturday night outside the venue
6. No men, children or unpaid guest allowed
7. You must have had a COVID test 72 hours before the event and come with proof(unless COVID is no longer a issue)
8. A waiver will be provided with registration
9. There are only 7 to 9 slots available
10. Must be over 21 to participate with valid ID

Friday - Arrival, ground rules, 1st workshop with home work and dinner
Saturday- Breakfast -workshop-lunch-workshop-dinner workshop then slumber party fun
Sunday- Grab and go breakfast and check out.


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Motivational Minute workbook page for Week 10/15

Motivational Minute (cc) Homework 

How do you respond when people say you are the reason 
for their feelings?



What can you do to make that interaction positive?



Remember we are all responsible for our own emotions. 

Motivational Minute for Friday October 12, 2018

Motivational Minute

Friday, September 7, 2018

The Beginning of the End

On May 04, 2008 I graduated with a masters degree in Communication and Rhetorical Studies.  I was optimistic , here I was  a black woman in Americans and I had achieved the dream. At least I though I did. My peers were either leaving for PHD programs, looking for jobs or heading to teach as instructors. I decided to head into higher education, with the hope of getting my PHD eventually.

There was no way for me to go directly into a PHD program, I was married with a almost 3 year old.
Daycare costs were astronomical and there was no way I could get into anymore student loan debt. Even with graduate assistantships the expenses required loans. So I took a job with a one year contract at a southern university that one of my peers was working at. During my two years as a graduate teaching assistant I fell for in love with teaching. Standing in front of the classroom became my passion. It was amazing to see how students transforming from the beginning of the semester to the end. I eventually earned the title Dr. and solidified my place in academia.

Over the past eleven years I have spent countless hours with students, planning, teaching and encouraging. I love teaching and standing in front of the classroom is my safe place, believe it or not. The unfortunate thing is that tenure track positions these days are few and far between. Some of them    are in locations that are not culturally diverse. Some even if they are in a metropolitan area are full of political issues that make teaching difficult. A few years ago as I looked at my children and goals I knew that my time in front of the classroom was coming to the end.

I had begun to lack the desire to play the game, to pretend. I wanted to just be me and I did, in the classroom, in meetings and amongst my peers. What I learned during that time was that my authentic self was threatening to some people in the academy. I saw it develop in so many ways both  blatantly and in secret.

I asked myself did I want to fight this battle, as I evaluated myself the answer was NO. So slowly I extracted my self from the position I was in. It was very strategic and I planned my exit so that I could still provide for my family. You will still see me in the classroom but it is no longer my full time job. I have returned to corporate America. I am of no delusion about what I will face in that world but I know that I will be judged on the quality of my work and I have job security.

I am working on some projects that I hope to share with you in the future. Now, I am not saying I will never return to teaching. I am just saying I won’t return unless I am able to be my authentic self. I will not enter a position where I am an “only”. Only woman, only Black person, only person who understands the “isms”.

I am currently teaching one class at a local community college and I love it. My corporate job, although busy is for a wonderful company who appreciates my value. Right now that is enough for me, when it is not. I will  do what I have to do to make a change.


Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Special Moment in Time

Today was love,  It was simple, at home with my 3 guys. It was happiness and for the first time in a long time I missed nothing. As a  survivor of childhood sexual abuse I had to walk away from my family because they were a shield for my abuser so Holidays can be a difficult time for me. 
When your family is no longer a safe place. You mourn the loss of that  connection even if it was unhealthy. You miss the mother who did not protect you. I know it sounds insane and I even felt crazy as I was going through it. This was my truth my childhood  was filled with so much trauma that dysfunction seemed normal.  In reality I just wanted to be what is considered normal to everyone else. I would see everyone else having what I did not have and feel broken. It makes you feel lonely and it is a feeling that is hard to explain. I could be in a room full of people and still feel lost. I remember being in class one day on the verge of tears one Mother’s Day as I watched people celebrate their mother’s and I felt robbed and hollow. 
I was a adult and I felt ashamed to even have such strong feelings about the entire situation.  I did not think I had the right to feel that way. The reality that I have slowly come to accept is that I’m entitled to my trauma, to my sadness and the effects of my abuse are not things that I have to be ashamed of. They are just parts of my history that make me who I am today. 
Today however, I felt no loneliness, I was not sad or empty. I was at peace and that does not mean I have been miraculously healed. It just means I was finally able to enjoy the moment of being a mother. I was able to feel the love of my husband and children. Those things were enough and I have never been more proud of a day in my life. Yes I am a survivor but I have people who love me. Not only do they love me but I can feel it and I know I deserve it. Growth happened today. Today was my perfect shade of blue and the only other people that can see that color just happen to be my husband and our sons. 

If your not there yet I am a testament you will get there. Hopefully sooner than I did but I have also realized there is no clock available to determine when healing will occur.  My is still ongoing but today was beautiful, my beautiful blue day. 

Saturday, May 12, 2018


12 years ago I became a mother for the first time and the joy he he brought me I could not measure. Then 7 years ago I got to experience it for the second time.  Being a mom has taught me a few lessons I am sure I would never had learned otherwise. Infertility made me humble and allowed me to understand that motherhood does not always mean your child is with you on earth. 

The journey to being called mom was not easy but it was worth it. I see two little boys walk the earth with eyes like mine (everything else like their father) Everyday, sometimes I feel like I am going to cry because they are growing so fast. My oldest is so intelligent and he thinks about every angle of a situation. He is a thinker and I am convinced he will invent something this world needs one day. He is also a fierce protector of his bother and I. I have seen the fire in his eyes when he think someone has done something to his brother. He is also emotional and caring. 

My youngest is the kindest , most logical person you can meet. He has been a blessing and he has taught me patience I have never fought harder for a person harder than I have for him. His Aspergers Diagnosis made a mama bear out of me. He has no idea that he is supposed to be different. As a family he is just LG to us. I know for sure he will be running his own company one day, this little boy will be a boss. His intelligence shocks me sometimes. 

Motherhood is patience, balance, exhausting, rewarding,expensive, time consuming, painful, joyful, and worth it for me.  Most of all it is Love 

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. It does not mater if you hold your children in your arms or heart. You are a mother!