Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Half Way Point!!!!

I weighed in today an realized that I am 1/2 way to my goal.  So much has changed in the four and a half months that I have been dedicated to changing my life style.

1. I eat what I want in moderation but my cravings have changed
2. I am eating 80% clean
3. I have dropped 3 pant sizes
4. I am consuming a gallon of water a day
5. I track everything that I put in my mouth
6. I exercise a minimum of 5X's a week
7. I joined an awesome group on face book that keeps me motivated

I am very excited  to continue on this journey. The 25 day challenge has kept me on my toes. I really thought that I would be able to stick to the elliptical for 25 days.  I was bored by day 5 and started doing Zumba and Turbo Jam.  I realized that it did not matter how I got the cardio  done as long as I did it. I have learned a lesson about my self. I have to stop being so rigid with my plans and  allow my self some room for error. I am taking the next step and purchasing a 1 month gym membership. I want to see how much time I can dedicate to exercising outside my home this winter. I decided I will go with a no bones cheaper fitness center. I am not taking the kids with me, so this will be all about me.

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