Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to Basics!

After reassessing my goals for the New Year, I decided  it was time to return to basics.  When I  began this journey I  had  a plan to keep things simple. I think that after 6 months I started to add more gadgets to my routine.  I had this realization yesterday , when I dedicated to go for a run outside. I pulled on my under armour,  slipped the chip into my NIKE, slapped on my heart rate monitor, strapped on my IPOD and turned on my IRunner. I did all this before I even got to the front door.

I realized at that moment that I missed the days when I used to, throw on sweats and hit the door. I would just run until I got tired and then push my self to run some more. All I would do is look at the clock when I left and then again when I returned. I realized that I am making things more complicated than they need to be.  I don't really  need to know how fast or far I run. All I need is some great music to keep me going during those rough spots.

So I am returning to basics because I want to remember this journey as a labor of love! Have you added some unnecessary gadgets along the way?
Check back tomorrow because I will be posting my goals for 2011

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