1. BMI: Body Mass Index which is a number calculated from my weight divided by the square of my height. It provides a good indication of body fatness. I know that the BMI formula depends only upon weight and height, its assumptions about the distribution between lean mass and adipose tissue are not always exact. But I have a lot of fatty tissues so I am unlikely to overestimates body fat unlike those with more lean body tissue. My goal is to be in the normal range of 18.5 -25.
2. WAIST: Waist Circumference above 35( in women) is associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease when your BMI is between 25 and 34.9. To determine my waist circumference, I located my upper hip bone and placed a measuring tape around my abdomen .I made sure that not to push in my skin, then took a breathe and measured my waist. . I don't have specific goal in mind just to be below 35.
3. LEGS: I want my legs to be muscular and shapely. So until they look the way I want I will keep pushing forward. I carried a lot of my weight in my legs , so I need to burn that fat stored there. See my leg idol on the right ----------------->
So I still have a few months to go in my journey and if I have not complete my goals by July 20, 2011 I will keep going. In fact I will never stop this pursuit because this is a lifestyle change, nothing about this is temporary.